Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ancient Mexican Instruments

Important ancient Mexican musical instruments included:

  • Ayacatchtly, a gourd or gourd shaped rattle made from clay or gold.
  • Ayotol, a tortoiseshell struck with deer’s antlers.
  • Coyolli, made of copper, dried fruit, gold or nutshells, often strung around a dancer’s waist or legs.
  • Omichicahuaztli, ma rasp made from the bone of a deer or a deer like animal and hollowed log slit drum idiophone.
  • Huehuetl, a simple headed drum.
  • Atecocoli, a conch trumpet.
  • Huilacapiztli, a clay whistle.
  • Tepuzquiquiztli, a wooden or metal trumpet.
  • Tlapitzalli, an end-blown clay or bone tubular duct flute with four holes.

Please click on the link below for pictures of some of these instruments.

Also please click on the link below for pictures of Mexico's traditional Mariachi Festival

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